Circles for Reconciliation is one of the affiliate charity partners of Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo for September! The Winnipeg Kinsmen is dedicated to serving our community’s greatest need by providing funding to nonprofits and charitable organizations through exciting fundraisers and events.
Circles for Reconciliation is honoured and humbled to have been selected as a partner of the Winnipeg Kinsmen. To add, we are excited about the difference this donation will make. Through this partnership, the Winnipeg Kinsmen help increase awareness of Circles for Reconciliation, allowing more people to know the existence of and be able to access our services. Additionally, 10% of each Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo card sold goes into the affiliate pot for the featured charities each month. Alternatively, online bingo card purchasers can pick their charity of choice from the drop-down list when purchasing. Do not forget to select “Circles for Reconciliation” from the drop-down list to help keep our community circles accessible to all and at no cost to participants.
Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo is played every Saturday at 5:30 pm on CTV. The estimated jackpot for August 31 has grown to $516,000, with a guaranteed jackpot prize of $10,000 for each game!
With a guaranteed large prize, a fun time playing, and a good cause supported, what better time to grab tickets!
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