Toronto Newcomer Day

Toronto Newcomer Day

Every year, between 80,000 and 100,000 'Newcomers' make Toronto their new permanent home. Circles for Reconciliation, recently participated in the 8th Annual Newcomers Day to welcome all these new Torontonians and to make their transition to their new home a successful one.
Dr. Raymond Currie will be retiring from Circles for Reconciliation

Dr. Raymond Currie will be retiring from Circles for Reconciliation

We are happy to announce our Project Coordinator, Dr. Raymond Currie, will be retiring from Circles for Reconciliation effective June 17th, 2022. Raymond ‘s generosity and commitment to the project has been immeasurable; he has been working tirelessly in pursuit of reconciliation, in partnership and dedication to taking action from the TRC report.
Indigenous Leaders receive their Apology

Indigenous Leaders receive their Apology

On April 1, in the year 2022, just over 500 years since first contact, Canada's First Nation leaders finally received an apology from the Pope and an Institution that sought to eradicate them from the very beginning through assimilative policies like Residential Schools and cultural repression.
Urban Circle Training

Urban Circle Training

The Urban Circle Training Center is currently recruiting for the following: Health Care Aide/Health Unit Clerk Program (August 22, 2022 - June 9th, 2023)Educational Assistant Program (September 2022 - June 2023)Adult Education and Employment Program (Mature Grade 12) (August 16,  2022 - June 16, 2023)Please call their centre at 204-589-4433 if you have any questions or you can reply to this email: pwandowich@urbancircle-inc.comOr just log onto their Website: and click the Training Opportunities tab or join them on Zoom. Zoom information is below.Urban Circle Training Centre Inc.519 Selkirk Ave., Wpg, MB R2W 2M6
On March 11 Bretten Hannam’s landmark 2-spirit film WILDHOOD (@wildhoodmovie) hits theaters!

On March 11 Bretten Hannam’s landmark 2-spirit film WILDHOOD (@wildhoodmovie) hits theaters!

The story follows Link, who lives with his toxic father and younger half-brother Travis. Link discovers that his Mi'kmaw mother could still be alive, and he decides to try and find her to make a run for a better life. On the road they meet Pasmay, a pow wow dancer drawn to Link. As the boys journey across Mi’kma’ki, Link finds community, identity, and love in the land where he belongs.For more details visit LinksToronto event page: event page: @wildhoodOur post of our trailer to potentially repost in Instagram stories:
Louis Riel Day February 21, 2022

Louis Riel Day February 21, 2022

Louis Riel Day!Circles for Reconciliation is honoured to acknowledge the homeland of the Métis Nation, and to acknowledge and thank the many Métis contributors to our project. Our Board of Directors, our Circle participants and our facilitators all reflect Métis presence and important contributions. A good proportion of our over 200 facilitators are Métis as well as our participants from right across the country.Four of our 21 themes are explicitly focused on Métis people, and their history is included in a number of the other themes. We have a greeting on our website in Michif as well as a poster…

Support Literacy in Indigenous Communities

How can you help support literacy in Indigenous communities? Red Sucker Lake First Nation needs BOOKS.  Collect your books. (Nothing ripped, culturally inappropriate, or sensitive to MMIWG.) Books can be dropped off at Indigo Kenaston Common/1590 Kenaston Blvd until February 13/22. Books purchased through the Indigo Book Registry will be matched by Indigo.Books listed in the Registry are suitable for Indigenous children and youth. Check this book about Honouring the Drum. The Honour Drum Here is the really awesome part:For every book purchased from the Registry, Indigo will MATCH your purchase.All your purchased Indigenous authored/illustrated book will then be donated…
Remembering Susan Scott

Remembering Susan Scott

The passing of Susan Scott is a sad moment for many, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, and certainly for Circles for Reconciliation.Back in December 2016, following a CBC radio broadcast about us at the very beginnings of our project, Susan called me and we met for coffee. She became the very  first supporter of our Circles. Over the years we kept in touch and she continued her support.  Her focus was always to empower Indigenous people. You could rarely attend a public event on reconciliation without encountering Susan.  Her support for a number of Indigenous individuals and organizations was always…