Two groups, Circles for Reconciliation and Reconciliation Thunder teamed up with The National Center for Truth and Reconciliation to renew calls for something to be done about the #94In#94 Calls to Action.
Jim Thunder from Reconciliation Thunder said “last year with the discovery of the 200 children in unmarked graves near Kamloops, BC. It sparked outrage all across Canada. And Canadians were asking “what can we do?”. And we realized that here we are, so many years later, after the Truth and Reconciliation Final Report and the 94 Calls to Action and seeing how … so many people don’t know what Call to Action they can act on or even what the 94 Calls to Action are?”

Ian Bushie, the Indigenous NDP MLA for Keewatinook said “Reconciliation isn’t just a matter of checking a box. We’ve done this so let’s move on” expressing a common Canadian sentiment when it comes to the TRC and the 94 Calls to Action. Bushie is the current MLA for Keewatinook, a huge riding between northern Lake Winnipeg, the Ontario border, and northeast to Churchill and is predominantly made up of Indigenous residents. Bushie comes from the Hollow Water First Nation, north of Winnipeg,
A local CTV TV crew came out to cover our event and you can see that broadcast HERE.