Getting To Know You (In-Person Circle)

In this first gathering we want to establish a climate of “mutual recognition and mutual respect” to use the words of the Truth and Reconciliation Report. No matter what your background and life experiences, we want to respect you, by listening to you and by recognizing the value of you as a person and what you have to bring to our gathering. It is important that we agree on this respect for one another at the outset.Our Circles give us a wonderful opportunity to meet one another, to get to know one another, to hear the stories of one another…
Opening Guidelines for Zoom Circles

Opening Guidelines for Zoom Circles

We want to begin our Circle with a Land acknowledgement. Such acknowledgements commemorate Indigenous peoples’ principal kinship to the land—and the fact that we have not and cannot be erased from her, our collective first mother. They’re a starting place to a change in how the land is seen and talked about. Let me begin by reflecting on why we are we meeting in a virtual circle, and our project is called “Circles for Reconciliation?” The circle itself is considered sacred. First Nations people observe that the circle is a dominant symbol in nature and has come to represent wholeness,…

Getting To Know You (Zoom Circle)

In this first gathering we want to establish a climate of “mutual recognition and mutual respect” to use the words of the Truth and Reconciliation Report. No matter what your background and life experiences, we want to respect you, by listening to you and by recognizing the value of you as a person and what you have to bring to our gathering. It is important that we agree on this respect for one another at the outset. Our Circles give us a wonderful opportunity to meet one another, to get to know one another, to hear the stories of one…

Opening Guidelines for In Person Circles

To non-Indigenous participants, reflect on the statement of Chief Commissioner Murray Sinclair: “Do not feel ashamed of the past; do not feel guilty. They don’t do any good at all. Do something about it!”It is very important that we all recognize that the feelings of an individual are neither right nor wrong. They are real and need to be respected. Use the controls on the grey bar below to access more viewing options and the download button.

General Procedures for Gatherings

Your checklist for an organized gathering. Walking through the flow of each meeting helps to keep the time right.*  Use the controls on the grey bar below to access more viewing options and the download button. * Direct Links to the "Virtual Circle Documents" On Page 2 of the above Procedures document, there are two links that enable the download of a document that can be customized to change the order of sharing each week. The document is available in two formats.If the download links embedded in the pdf document above do not work for you, these direct links should…