60 Minutes airs program on Canadian Residential Schools

60 Minutes airs program on Canadian Residential Schools

The popular News Magazine program in the United States, 60 Minutes recently ran a segment on Canadian Residential Schools. We got permission from them to run their broadcast. Just click the link below. 60 Minutes did a pretty good job as they talked about the Intergenerational Trauma experienced by many Survivors and how hard it is for Survivors to say the Love word. Click here to view the 60 Minutes program.

Eagle feathers in law courts just small step

We're pleased to have received permission to print this insightful and informative article written by Niigaan Sinclair and published by the Winnipeg Free Press. Here is a link to the article on their website should you wish to read it in that form and appreciate the photos included. ___________________________________ Originally printed by the Winnipeg Free Press 09/27/2019 By Niigaan Sinclair Forty migizii migwanag — eagle feathers — were honoured at a sunrise ceremony Thursday and later given to Manitoba justice officials for use during court proceedings. Now, for the first official time in history, anyone in a provincial court can…

One girl, thousands of deaths, millions of accomplices

By: Niigaan Sinclair I have a daughter. She’s entering teen years. She’s my life. It’s hard not to think of her when reading about what happened to Tina Fontaine. The details are haunting. I can’t talk about them objectively or without emotion. Anyone who can just doesn’t feel. I especially can’t talk about the way Tina has been represented. She was not a broken person whose blood-alcohol level or choice or whatever resulted in her treatment — regardless of what media or a lawyer says. Tina Fontaine is a girl who endured a brutal child-welfare system and many who failed…