Day Scholars Class Members can now apply for an extension until January 4, 2024.

(Please note, that this Government of Canada website does not mention the January 4, 2024 extension on the Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada website).

How to apply for compensation:
The claims process is managed by a third-party administrator, Deloitte. For comprehensive information on the settlement and claims process, class members should contact Deloitte at:
Toll-free: 1-877-877-5786
Website: Indian Residential Schools Day Scholars Class Action Claims Administration

A claim can be made:
online through the claims administrator’s website on paper, through claims forms available online or sent to class members upon request
Completed paper claim forms can be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the claims administrator.

The claims process for day scholars applying on their own behalf, and those applying for a day scholar who died on or after May 30, 2005 are different.

If you are applying for yourself and Indian Affairs KNOWS you were there, just fill out this Claim Form.

In some cases Indian Affairs doesn’t have the above information, you’ll need to fill out a more complicated
Form In this case, you will also need to fill out a Declaration Form. Like other Declaration Forms, you’ll need a credible person, some who can witness you signing your Declaration, like a Commissioner of Oaths, Notary Public, or certain Band employees. There is a list of 24 types of people who can witness you signing your Declaration Form, including your Chief,
teachers, police officers, a Membership Clerk or a lawyer.